Our company Tusav Metal was established in 2017. It is within the group companies that are in the same main field of activity as Tusav Metal.

Our Other Companies are “Savaş Escalator Elevator Industry Trade Inc.” and “Tubisa Elevator İnşaat Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş.” While the main fields of activity are common with (electromechanical carriers), the main activities of our other companies are maintenance service, repair service, revision service, re-installation service, disassembly service and emergency rescue service operations in electromechanical carriers (Elevators, Escalators and Escalators, etc.).

One of the main reasons for ensuring the continuity of general service services such as maintenance, repair and revision mentioned above in a safe and secure manner without making customers suffer is to carry out spare part stock supply operations regularly and in accordance with the needs. Due to the lack of domestic production of the products in the product range of our Tusav Metal company, our service companies (Savaş, Tubisa) have experienced deviations in the practices they give to their customers due to external reasons (foreign manufacturers, foreign domestic transport companies, international shipping companies, customs, etc.) in the last 10 years. therefore, customer grievances were experienced even though undesirable. As a solution, our founder Turgut Savaş, with the aim of solving these problems with the decision he took in 2017, meets the needs of the domestic market at the level of 15-20% by establishing a small-scale production facility in İzmir Menderes, Estim industry.

Among our forward-looking goals is to contribute to the export targets of our country by expanding our production facility, expanding our machine parks, reducing foreign dependency by solving the needs of the domestic market more, and exporting to the countries in the region and Europe.